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  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan (Initial Deposit $5,000)4x $3250.00/mo
  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($16,000) $16000.00

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Through my 12-week Millionaire program you will learn to truly embody what a millionaire looks like, sounds like, thinks, says, and does.

What's Included: 

Intensive course work that includes 8 components to becoming a millionaire

Six months of Kathleen’s live weekly teachings

Six months of group embodiment coaching calls with one of the Diamond Academy Success Coaches

Six months of access to House of Manifestation

Private Facebook CommUNITY

Interactive Workbook to help you get the most out of each teaching

The Rise : January 6th for 8 weeks

Wealth from Within : March 3rd for 8 weeks

The Spiritual Leader : May 5th for 4 weeks

By Law : September 2nd for 12 weeks

  • Total payment
  • 1xMillionaire + Ascendance Collection$0

All prices in USD
